Talking Therapy • Yoga • Training • Research


My name is Dr Jill Domoney. I am a clinical psychologist, a yoga teacher, and a researcher, specialising in women’s mental health. My aim is to create space for you to explore, grow and find balance through talking therapy, yoga sessions, trainings and workshops.

Ways to work with me

  • Yoga sessions

    Private yoga sessions, online, in your home, or in your workplace, tailored to your goals and needs.

  • Talking therapy

    A safe space to explore your thoughts and feelings, and reflect on your life and relationships.

  • Training

    Bespoke workshops and sessions for your workplace, organisation or company.

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The Yoga Psychology Centre

I founded the Yoga Psychology Centre in 2021 to provide therapeutic spaces where the unique offerings of yoga and psychology are integrated.

With over 10 years’ experience of supporting people’s wellbeing and mental health through clinical practice in the NHS, research, and yoga, I wanted to create a centre for sharing and developing this knowledge. You can find out more about my qualifications and background here.

If you’re curious about whether this approach is right for you, why not get in touch to book a free consultation?