Privacy policy

What is this policy for?

Your privacy is important and I am committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. This privacy policy explains how any personal information collected about you when you use this service is processed, used, and stored. Please email if you have any queries.

What information is collected?

Contact details that you have shared as part of an enquiry or to schedule a chat.

Information you have shared as part of the intake and assessment process for the purposes of providing sessions to you.

Attendance records and session notes.

Invoices and payments.

Why is information about me collected and how is it used?

Your information is collected in order to provide the best service to you, and it will never be shared with third parties or made public without your consent. Your information will only be kept as long as you are happy for it to be so.

Information is collected for the following reasons:

  • Where you have shared your contact details as an enquiry or to schedule a chat, these details will only be used to make contact with you in relation to your enquiry or to schedule our chat. If you choose not to use the service, your details will be removed from the system.

  • If you use our services, contact details will be used to schedule appointments, to notify you about changes to your appointments and to provide you with any information necessary to continue using our services.

  • Further information is collected in order to provide the services you have requested. Assessment details and session notes are kept in order to create an individualised understanding of your needs and goals, and allow me to review our work.

  • Payment information is collected to keep accurate records of transactions between us.

The lawful basis for processing your information is consent. This means that you provide consent for your personal data to be used to provide a service to you.

My business is registered with the Information Commissioners Office, the UK authority for upholding data protection, (

How will your information be kept secure?

Your information will not be shared unless you have provided consent for me to do so.

All information is kept securely on a password protected laptop. Mobile numbers are kept on a password protected, encrypted mobile phone.  

Assessment details and session notes are kept separately to your personal details and use a unique ID that I assign to your record.


Once I have received your information, I make every effort to ensure its security and prevent unauthorised access.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is never completely secure. Although I will do my best to protect your information, I cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted via email, including forms completed on the website which are transmitted by email.

By agreeing to this privacy policy:

  1. You acknowledge that the privacy of your communications and personal information can never be completely guaranteed when it is being transmitted over the internet.

  2. You acknowledge and agree that you share information via the internet at your own risk.

  3. You agree to take responsibility for your own role in safeguarding your data privacy in the email address you choose to use and whether or not you choose to password protect information you send to me.