About me


Thanks for visiting this page. I’m Jill and I’m really pleased to meet you. I am a clinical psychologist, yoga teacher and researcher, specialising in women’s mental health.

How did I get here?

I began my training in clinical psychology back in 2010. I was on a course with a strong foundation in developmental psychopathology. That means understanding the ways that our brains develop over time, right from the moment we are conceived, including how mental health difficulties can develop from our earliest experiences and relationships.

I loved this approach and went on to specialise in perinatal and infant mental health, working with families in the transition to parenthood to support not only the parents’ mental health, but also to protect the developing mind of the baby. I have worked across several NHS perinatal mental health teams in London, and I provide training and consultation for health professionals and third sector organisations on perinatal mental health.

In my research, I am based in the Section of Women’s Mental Health at King’s College London. Here I have had the opportunity to develop and evaluate new interventions for families and to work on projects understanding the links between violence, trauma and mental health. You can find out more about this work here. At the beginning of 2021 I gained my PhD in Psychology, focused on developing novel interventions for new parents.

So where does yoga come in?

I have practiced yoga for many years and chose to train as a yoga teacher after discovering the therapeutic benefits that a regular practice can bring.

Many people come to yoga to experience the physical benefits of increased strength, flexibility, and balance. Yoga brought me all these things. But it also brought something more unexpected – with regular practice I noticed improvements in my mental and emotional strength, flexibility and balance too.

As a clinical psychologist and researcher, I found this intriguing and fascinating. I have since come to understand some of the ways that yoga has these impacts, and I founded the Yoga Psychology Centre in order to share this practice and understanding. You are welcome here, and I look forward to sharing my learning with you and supporting you on your own journey.


What are my qualifications?

I completed a 200HR yoga teacher training with The House of Yoga in Putney, London, and have also completed trainings in yoga therapy skills for psychologists with the Minded Institute, and pre and postnatal yoga with MOGA.

I have a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from University College London, and am registered with the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC).

I have a PhD in Psychology from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King’s College London. My research covers areas including perinatal mental health, domestic violence, and the impact of trauma on mental health. To find out more about my research, please take a look at my profile on Research Gate.

Media, blogs, podcasts and more

Here you can find links to some of my talks, blogs and articles…

  • Blogs for the National Elf Service about Perinatal Mental Health: National Elf Service

  • Podcast for Mending the Gap about fathers mental health research: Mending the Gap

  • Resource for Perinatal Mental Health services about how to involve and support partners: Guide for involving partners

  • Report for the Churchill Fellowship about how to integrate research and practice in perinatal mental health: Churchill Fellowship Report

  • Webinar for VAMHN (violence, abuse and mental health network) about trauma informed practice: VAMHN webinar

Interested in working with me on a blog, article or podcast? Get in touch here: