Struggling with Savasana?
Jill Domoney Jill Domoney

Struggling with Savasana?

Savasana, translated as corpse pose, is the final pose at the end of yoga practice. It usually involves lying flat on your back with eyes closed and palms facing up and is intended to bring a state of peace and calm. It has many benefits for the body and mind but, despite sounding straightforward, many people find it really challenging! Read on to find out why it’s so important and how you can adapt it if you find it tricky…

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The Power of Sun Salutations
Jill Domoney Jill Domoney

The Power of Sun Salutations

Sun salutations, or Surya Namaskar in Sanskrit, are a sequence of poses that feature in many yoga classes. Often introduced near the beginning of the class, these asanas warm up the body and link deep breaths with flowing movement. But there’s much more to these poses than just warming up. Read on to discover some of the ways that these beautiful movements impact on our mind, body and spirit…

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Welcome to the Yoga Psychology Centre!
Jill Domoney Jill Domoney

Welcome to the Yoga Psychology Centre!

I’m so excited to be launching the yoga psychology centre this year. This project has been brewing in my mind for a long time now, and after all the disruptions of covid and the stress that this has brought, now feels like a good time to begin.

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